An Update from the Walkers    Autumn 2011
"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High." Psalm 92:1

We trust this finds you all keeping well.   We are doing fine here.   It has been raining everyday for a number of weeks so there is mould and mud everywhere!   The upside is that the temperatures are cooler, around 23°C.

This month and next Judith is sitting the IGCSE and A level exams in Panama City, so we have been going back and forth for her to do those.   We thank the Lord for his protection on the roads as we have seen many accidents on our travels.

From 1-15th October the Baseball World Cup competition was held in Panama.   There were four main stadiums, Panama City, Aguadulce, Chitre & Santiago.   We were able to deliver tracts to churches in the Panama City and Aguadulce for them to give out at the games and we were able to give out at some of the games here in Santiago.   What an opportunity to give the written Word of God to people from all over the world, including China and Cuba!   During the two weeks hundreds, if not thousands, of tracts were distributed.   Please be praying for the 40,000 calendars for 2012 which are presently being shipped to us from Revival Movement in N. Ireland.

We praise the Lord that Ramona's foot is healing well.   She is now receiving physiotherapy to help her walk again.

Please continue to pray for the Bible studies with Cesar & Chana, and Mariano, Median & family.   Chana seems to understand and openly professed faith in Christ, but Cesar says he is a good person and that his faith in God is good enough for him.   We also have a Bible study with Oliver & Magdalena.   Magdalena's parents want them to continue to do all the sacraments of the main religion in Panama, and often pressure the family.   Last night we showed the film "Fireproof" and the whole family came to watch including Magdalena's parents!   This movie gives a clear understanding of the Gospel message.   Please pray for a softening in Magdalena's parent's hearts.

Recently we have been looking for either a house to rent or a piece of land to buy so that we can build a meeting house on, in Atalaya.   We feel the time is right to move the meetings from La Mina into the town itself because of the greater number of people who would be able to attend, and easier for many of the present believers to get to.   Please pray that the Lord would guide us to the right property that would bring glory to Him.

Thank you for your continued interest and prayers for the Lord's work in Panama and for our family.   We really do appreciate it.

Because of Calvary,

Clive, Hazel & Judith

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: P+W5l0n7r L6J5V869r-g1W383L8cO
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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