An Update from the Walkers    Autumn 2009

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your encouragement and support of our ministry.  We appreciate very much your dedication and faithfulness in prayer on our behalf and your sacrificial giving!

A few months ago a Buglere man, Sandalio, fell out of a tree when he was cutting palm leaves.  He fell head first and landed on the leaves but two pieces of the stem of the leaves went into his head.  Sandalio was taken by boat out to the nearest hospital and was then transferred to a bigger hospital in David where he was operated on to remove the wood.  He also had a broken collarbone and three broken ribs.  The following Monday we got a phone call from Sandalio’s brother saying that he was being released from the hospital and could we go and get them.

The hospital here in Santiago doesn't have doctors for head injuries or fractures so we had to take him to another hospital in Aguadulce (45mins) for all his checkups.  Six weeks later, when he had his final check-up, Sandalio said he wanted to go home so we packed up their stuff and took them to Santa Fe, where the road stops.  They were concerned about their children back in the tribe and wanted to get home.  Sandalio's fractured ribs and collarbone were healing well, but he still couldn't walk very fast and it took them 4 long days to reach their home.  We did have a number of opportunities to share with Sandalio that it was a miracle he was still alive and that he needs to put God first in his life.  Years ago Sandalio was active in the San Soledad church but in recent years he has been living for himself.   Please pray that Sandalio will see how close he was to death and will put the Lord first in his life.

Tract Distribution: From the tract distribution each week in the village of Atalaya, we have had some good contacts.  There are a number of homes in Atalaya and in La Mina where we have Bible studies.  Most of the houses are studying twice a week which means quite a few studies a week for us.  We praise the Lord for these open doors and pray that the interest will continue.

La Mina is about 4 miles out of Atalayla on a mud road and we have to cross 2 small rivers to get there - a bit like jungle living again and we are really thankful for the 4x4 to be able to cross over!  These people are really poor but have great interest in studying the Word.  To continue the Bible studies we really need your prayers, not only for us, (stamina, health and God's wisdom) but also for the folks who are listening, that God will continue to touch their hearts concerning the truth of His Word.

Family: Judith is very happy to have the first half of the school year finished and is doing well.  We are very excited about the fact that we are to become grandparents!  Jon & Shanelle are expecting an addition to their family in September so Hazel will be going up to Canada for almost 3 weeks to help out.

Bible Studies: The Classes for teaching the Chronological Bible Lessons in three different churches have finished; please pray that those who attended will have the desire to reach out and continue to see others brought to Salvation.  In May Clive started two men’s meetings: one every other Friday night and the other study one Saturday each month. These studies are on “leadership in the local church”.  They are going through the book “Biblical Eldership” by Alexander Strauch.  Please pray that strong elders will be raised up from these groups as this is what is lacking in most of the churches in Panama  We continue to teach the Sunday meeting in Soná.  We Praise the Lord that there are about 15 children in attendance for Sunday school.  Please pray for the Salvation of these little ones.

Buglere Women’s Retreat: Earlier this month the Buglere Church hosted a retreat for the women of the churches.  They worked hard for two years raising prayer and financial support.  No--that doesn't mean making some phone calls.  It meant walking difficult trails to many Buglere areas and gathering those women together to talk and pray about the conference.  These women were able to raise the money needed to purchase the food and other supplies.  In the Buglere culture they have the tendency not to share with others--so God's people among the Buglere are learning to be generous to accomplish God's work among them!

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for the ministry in Panama among the Latin and Buglere People.

Clive, Hazel and Judith

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: P+25j0U75 X6T5p8G90-k1e3j3p8LX
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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