An Update from the Walkers    July 2009

Dear Friends,

Wednesday 1st July is the inauguration of the new President for Panama, Ricardo Martinelli.  All the schools, stores, and public buildings will be closed for the occasion.   Please be praying for a smooth transition of Government.
The tract distribution in Atalaya is still going well.  In a couple more weeks we will have covered every house in the town with a Gospel of John and a Gospel tract.  We praise the Lord that two homes have opened up for Bible studies and we start those on Friday 3rd July.    Please pray that these people will continue to have interest in the studies and that the Holy Spirit would be working in their lives.  As well as these two homes there are three others who have shown much interest and we shall return to them again soon.
When we finish the door to door visits in Atalaya then we will go to another one of the towns where we gave out the scripture calendars earlier in the year.  These towns that we have been visiting - Atalaya, La Colorada, Montijo and San Francisco, do not have any evangelical churches in them.
The Leadership studies went very well with the two groups of church leaders during the month of June. The first lesson was on the spiritual life of Job as well as the study of the Old Testament Elders. Between both groups there were 20 men most of them being Bible teachers from various towns, as well as a few young men from various churches.
July will see the finish of the studies in the San Pedro group, Creation to Christ , which actually started July 2008.  Please pray that the people who have been in this group will continue to teach others.
Thank you for your prayers for us; we really do appreciate them.

Clive & Hazel Walker

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: z+P5Q0W7x u6J5I8w9c-B1m3Z3O8W1
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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