An Update from the Walkers    June 2009

Dear Friends,

First we would like to thank you for praying for Sandalio, who fell out of the tree. He and his wife were out of the tribe for over six weeks. The hospital here in Santiago doesn't have doctors for head injuries or fractures so we had to take him to another hospital in Aguadulce (45mins) for all his checkups. The day he had his final check-up Sandalio said he wanted to go home so we packed up their stuff and took them to Santa Fe, where the road stops. They were concerned about their children back in the tribe and wanted to get home. Sandalio's fractured ribs and collarbone were healing well, but he still couldn't walk very fast and it took them 4 long days to reach their home. We did have a number of opportunities to share with Sandalio that it was a miracle he was still alive and that he needs to put God first in his life.

Monday 25th May was the last night of evangelistic studies for the first group from Santiago. They wanted to have a special night so after the study we had rice & chicken and salad for everyone. This particular group had started with just two men and grew to 14 people. A good number of them are teaching the lessons to others. Please pray that the others will desire to use these tools to reach others for Christ. The other groups from San Pedro and Santiago are continuing each Tuesday and Friday nights.

On Sat 6th June Clive will be going to a wee church in the mountains to teach at a one day youth conference. Please pray for safety in travel and also for the young people who will attend that their hearts would be open to the teaching. Finally, please pray for the tract distribution in Atalaya. Some people remembered us from the last time when we gave out the calendars. There have been some good opportunities to talk with people but so far no one has opened up to having a Bible study in their home.

Since mid April Katy (14 yrs) has been going to church with us each Sunday in Sona. Katy comes from a strong Catholic family and we are very surprised that they allow her to attend. Please pray that Katy would come to know Christ as her Saviour soon. Thank you so much for being a part of the work here in Panama.

Clive & Hazel Walker

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: D+F510K7o t6H5w8L94-01o3I3h8Sg
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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