An Update from the Walkers    15 April 2013

Dear Friends,

We have moved house to Atalaya and are getting things set up to make it a home. It was wonderful to have Jonnie and Shanelle here to help with the cleaning, painting, moving of furniture and filling holes to keep the bats out! They flew back to Canada, and to their boys, on Thursday. Although it was a very busy time we certainly enjoyed their company and we were sad to see them leave!

Stamping tracts to give out
Stamping tracts to give out

In December we received a shipment of 40,000 Gospel calendars and tracts in Spanish; which we delivered to some churches all over the country and door to door in several villages in the province of Veraguas. None of these villages have any Gospel witness at all, although they all have the Roman Catholic Church and a number of cults. Please pray that the verses on the calendars will touch hearts and that people would desire to know the one true God.

New House

In January we found a house in Atalaya that was available to rent. For other houses the rent was very high, or we could rent but were not allowed to have meetings in it. It was a challenge, and some trying times, but the Lord provided in His time a place where the believers could meet. The house needed a lot of work as it had been used as a grain mill but with the help of Jon & Shanelle, who came for ten days to help, we got it into shape.

Front porch

The outside porch is large enough for us to be able to hold the meetings there. We transport the people from La Mina to the meetings and others come from different surrounding areas. The children’s Sunday School is steadily growing with a number of local children attending. Last Tuesday night Oliver was teaching for his first time and it was encouraging to hear him give testimony of what he used to believe, but is thankful that now he understands the way of salvation through the cross.

Please be praying for Shanelle, Jon and the boys as they are looking for another house to live in. This summer they have to move as the owners of the house they are presently renting return from Papua New Guinea and need the house for themselves.

For Hilario, Eudora and their three little girls, who are part of the fellowship in Atalaya. Hilario cannot get a job anywhere and is struggling financially. They presently live in a house which is not much bigger than most living rooms, and has no electricity. Last year we helped him finish his Primary school education and this year he is planning to continue with High School.

Judith is doing well and enjoying the course at college, especially the two days of practical placement in a local Primary school as a teacher’s assistant.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for the ministry in Panama among the Latin and Buglere People.

Yours, in His Service,
Clive, Hazel, and Judith

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: b+G5h0X7Q n6o558z9G-h1F3C3K82P
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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