An Update from the Walkers    9 February 2013

Dear Friends,

We have moved house to Atalaya and are getting things set up to make it a home. It was wonderful to have Jonnie & Shanelle here to help with the cleaning, painting, moving of furniture and filling holes to keep the bats out! They flew back to Canada, and to their boys, on Thursday. Although it was a very busy time we certainly enjoyed their company and we were sad to see them leave!

To-day and tomorrow the church fellowship of Atalaya is heading to the beach for a time of fellowship. We have hired a bus to take everyone and we will be “camping “ on the beach. Clive, Juan and Manuel will be the three speakers for the times of devotion and reflection on the Word. Please pray that the believers will be refreshed and unbelievers will be convicted of their need of salvation.

Driving along the Inter American Highway these days one can see people walking along dressed in purple robes. They are pilgrims who are on their way to celebrate their devotion to the statue "Jesus of Nazareth of Atalaya". Between to-day and Palm Sunday some 200,000 people are expected to make this trip. These people believe the statue of Jesus of Nazareth has special powers to answer their prayers and perform miracles. Many Panamanians participate in this pilgrimage every year, some of them walking all the way from Panama City, for example, as an expression of their devotion. Devotees come to pray and ask for things such as help through economic hardships, or healing or health for themselves or loved ones. The main days for people being here in Atalaya are 13 - 18th February and we will have a table set up with tracts, gospel of John and New Testaments to give to people. Pray that the Lord would encourage our hearts as well as touch lives concerning the Gospel.

Please pray for Jonnie & Shanelle, that they would have good flights and that they would be encouraged through this trip. For safety as we travel to Panama City to pick them up and for safety as we work around the house. We have had some good talks already with our landlady and her son’s family. Pray that they might be open to studying the Bible with us in the future.

Thank you for upholding us in prayer,
Clive & Hazel

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: A+15o0W78 y6F5Y8y9C-y1y3j3W8pc
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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