An Update from the Walkers    January 2015

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your prayers this month as a lot has been going on. The Fellowship had a good time at the campgrounds 2-4th January. Nivardo and Rensel Castillo from CEF were invited to teach for the weekend and Nivardo taught the adults on how to reach young people with the gospel - especially in our own family. The teaching was excellent and very practical for everyone. It was also a good time for the families to get to know each other better.

We praise the Lord that the calendars arrived this month and we have been getting them delivered to areas all over the country. We have also been going door to door with the calendars and tracts in local towns where there is no gospel witness. Please pray that, through this outreach, opportunities for home Bible studies would be opened up.

This past few months the Fellowship has been going through the book of Proverbs on a Wednesday evening. Four of the men have been teaching and we are very encouraged with the interest in these Bible studies.

Thank you so much for praying with us for these matters.

Clive & Hazel Walker

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: w+65e0O7u q6b5i8r9L-B103g3Z86L
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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