An Update from the Walkers    January 2009

Dear Friends,

We trust you all had an enjoyable Christmas and a peaceful New Year.  We had a quiet Christmas day with just the three of us here. 

On Mon 29th Dec. we received a phone call that 10,000 scripture calendars, Bible Pictures, assorted tracts and booklets sent from Northern Ireland from (Revival Movement Belfast) had arrived in Panama City  and we had to go get  them out of customs.  We left Santiago the next morning at 4am and arrived in Panama City at 9am.  We spent that day sorting out the shipping costs and doing the paperwork for customs and then went the next morning to pick them up 31st December.  We had arranged with a vegetable truck driver to pick the boxes up and take them back to Santiago for us- but when we called him he had done his run a day early and was already back home.  We did a number of runs in our car and got everything out of customs and moved to a friends house .  That night we drove back to Santiago with as many boxes as we could pack in the car,  and were on the road when the year turned to 2009.

Since then we have been busy getting the calendars packed in plastic bags for sending to the churches interior and delivering them to other churches that we can reach by car.  We have kept 2,000 for ourselves that we have been giving out door to door in a village called Atalaya.  The response has been great and we trust it will be a good opener for the next time we go with tracts and an invitation for a Bible study.

On 22nd January Hazel will be going to Northern Ireland for five weeks to be with her Mother and also for an appointment on 2nd Feb with an EN&T  Consultant for a cyst in her throat.  Clive & Judith will remain in Panama to carry on the Bible Studies, Calendar distribution and Church meetings.

Praise that -
  •  The Calendars and Literature arrived safe and well with little trouble.
  •  For the good response so far around the doors of Atalaya.
  •  For the continued blessing of the Bible studies in various locations.

Please pray for -
  •  Open doors to receive the calendars and tracts.
  •  Hazel as she travels alone on 22nd January and for a profitable time with her Mother
  •  Wisdom for the consultant to know what needs to be done with the cyst. 
  •  Clive & Judith as they hold the fort in Santiago.
  •  For each of the believers who are listening to the lessons and then in-turn teaching in their locations.

We appreciate each of you as you bring us before the Throne of Grace each day!

Clive, Hazel & Judith

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: q+K5a0a79 j6e508P9b-x1s3u3X8Hn
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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