A Word from the Walkers    Winter 2013

Dear praying friends, once again we want to thank you for remembering us before the Throne of Grace and also, to those who have given practical help in any way. This is not only our ministry, but your ministry, and we do appreciate this very much!

Home Assignment
We praise the Lord for our time at home in Northern Ireland. We are so thankful for so many of God’s people who have taken an interest in the Lord’s work in the spiritually needy land of Panama.  It was great being able to visit or speak with many of you personally on the phone.

Gospel Calendars
Unloading the calendars
In November we received 60,000 calendars (in Spanish) from Revival Movement, Northern Ireland. It is always a challenge to deal with the people in various offices around the city, as well as the customs office itself, as it seems the rules and laws for receiving literature change each year.

During the months of December and January we will be delivering calendars to churches in other parts of the country as well as giving them out door to door in eight different villages and towns around the Province of Veraguas, where we live, and which have no Gospel witness. You could remember these towns; that God would give us opportunities to share the Gospel with those who show an interest. First of all each calendar needs to be hand stamped with our phone number so that anyone can get in touch with us if need be, this is very time consuming. Would you be a part of reaching these towns through your prayers?

They are: Atalaya, La Colorada, La Pena, Montijo, Calobre, San Francisco, Rio de Jesús and La Soledad

  Children in the mountains
We had the opportunity to be involved in a Christmas program for a school up in the mountains. There was a Bible lesson, choruses, Hot Dogs & juice, and gifts for all the children.
In line to receive a devotional book and calendar
In line to receive a devotional book and calendar

It has been a very busy time since coming back to Panama with paperwork and getting the tracts out of customs but we have been back to Menchaca to visit the folks there and have Bible studies with them. Not many believers in this group yet, but it would be nice to see more consistency with at least most people coming every week. Pray with us about this.

Praise for:
Many opportunities in Northern Ireland to share about the Lord’s work in Panama.
Judith is enjoying her course in college.

Pray for:
Us to settle quickly into life in Panama again.
For safety as we give out the calendars and tracts all over the country.

Christmas Greetings
We would like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. We really do appreciate your part both in prayer and practical support for the work in Panama.

God’s promises never fail!

Heb. 13: 5 "…for He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee"

In Him,

Clive, Hazel & Judith

Happy Christmas

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: U+I500P7m l6I5G8Y92-B1q363i8xu
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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