On 18th September 2009 Elliot Ducommun made his appearance into the world weighing 7lb 6oz.
Hazel went to Canada for three weeks when he was born and enjoyed holding our first grandchild.
Bible Studies continue in Atalaya
Before we leave in December the studies with Santiago’s family will be completed. Little by little the Holy Spirit is opening their minds to the Truth of God’s Word. The study with Cristina has been progressing well, but with Juanita it has been very slow. It has been very difficult for her. She works at the local school and they call her at any hour to come in; her husband has been away for weeks at a time working in other areas; her son was shot and wounded and was quite ill for a number of weeks; and her mother in law has started to live with the family now. Please pray that Juanita will continue to show interest in the Bible studies.
A Muddy Trail to Rio Luis
In November Clive went into the tribe for five days to teach believers how they can reach others for Christ.
There were 27 people who attended and we were encouraged by the interest shown and the amount of questions they were asking about the lessons.
We were able to give each person a set of Bible Studies and pictures that go with the lessons so they can teach their family & neighbours.
Please pray that these folks will be faithful to spread the precious Word of God in some of the most remote areas of Panama.
Blind woman receives sight
Justino and his mother, Francisca, came out for a hospital appointment because Francisca had cataracts on both eyes and was virtually blind. On Monday morning when we were having Family Devotions Hazel prayed that Francisca could get an appointment that day to get some help but, knowing how the medical system works, we realised it would have to be a miracle from the Lord for Francisca to be seen that week! Clive took Justino and Francisca to the local clinic and they were told to return the next week for an appointment. Clive decided to take them directly to the hospital to see if they could get an appointment there.
When they arrived at the hospital, there was a group of eye Doctors there for one week to do operations on Tribal people. Francisca was immediately put on the list and had one eye operation that afternoon!
She needs to return around April for the other eye to be done. Thank the Lord for the wisdom He gives each day.
Taking to the Skies
When Judith finishes the school year in December we will be taking a short family furlough. Lord willing we will be flying to Canada to spend Christmas with Jon & Shanelle. Clive & Judith are looking forward to meeting Elliot for the first time! On 7th January we will be heading to Northern Ireland for eight weeks. If you would be interested in hearing a report of the work in Panama you can get in touch with us, after 10th January, on our mobile - 07926 191 555.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
We really appreciate your part in the ministry in Panama and we realise that it would not be possible for us to continue to be in Panama if you were not behind us.
In Him
Clive, Hazel & Judith
Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama
Phone: w+0580s76o695Y8g9i-51e3Q348v9
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."