A Word from the Walkers     Autumn 2014
"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High." Psalm 92:1

Dear friends,

We arrived home to Northern Ireland the middle of August, to spend some time with family and will be here until mid October.  If you would be interested in seeing some pictures of the work in Panama then give us a call on 028 3751 8483 to set up a time.  On the way home we stopped with Shanelle & Jonnie and our two grandsons, Elliot and Levi, for a couple of weeks. They are doing fine. Jonnie is working in construction with two friends from his church and enjoys working with his hands. Shanelle continues to look after the boys as well as home-schooling Elliot and teaching Sunday School each week at their church.

Judith started work in Armagh at a Nursery looking after two year olds - I can't imagine how she does it, TEN two year olds, wow! Thankfully there is another worker in the room with her. It is wonderful how the Lord has opened this door for her after all her studies in College.

Praise the Lord that the meetings in Atalaya are continuing on while we are home, with Hilario, Oliver, Jose and Francisco continuing on the teaching. On Wednesday nights they are studying Prayer and Saturday nights they are going through the book of Hebrews. We feel that our present ministry with the local church is basically the same as Titus' ministry when he stayed in Crete to see the churches established.

Titus 1 v.5 "For this cause I left thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are
wanting, and ordain elders in every city
Pray for Cristina. Her husband is not a believer and sometimes does not allow her to attend the meetings. 
He has a job but makes very little money, which he spends a lot of on drink and the lottery.
The house we presently live in is up for sale. The owner, a widow, told us if we would like to purchase it she
would sell it to us for $50,000 (about £35,000) which is quite cheap for the area. It would be a great location
for the believers to meet in and is close to the centre of town. Please be praying with us about this.

Toncri Conference Clive had a great trip back to Toncri and participated in their Easter Conference, sharing from the Word at both evening sessions. He had to hike for 2 days to get into the tribe but he was able to get a boat to come back out. There were around 300 people who attended the conference which ran from Friday night until Sunday mid-day. It was wonderful to renew fellowship with these dear believers whom we ministered to for 14 years from 1992 till leaving in 2006. Unfortunately while he was in Toncri Clive picked up a bug and was ill for almost a month afterwards.

Calendars 2015 is fast approaching and it will be time once again for the calendars! We will be receiving a shipment Lord willing of 60,000 calendars, in Spanish, around the beginning of November. Please pray for safety for the shipment as it crosses the Atlantic and for all the paperwork, etc. to get them released from customs. Then the work of delivering boxes of calendars to churches all over the country begins. We keep 12,000 for the ministry of the church in Atalaya to give out door-to-door in eight towns. It is a tremendous way of getting the Word of God into the homes of the people.

Partnership We appreciate and are thankful to the Lord for your partnership in prayer and giving in the work for many years! Lord willing, Jim Dutcher from Michigan, USA, will hope to partner with us later this year for 6 months to help with the work in Atalaya and other towns, as the Lord opens the doors. Jim was a missionary in Panama back in the 90’s working in Tole and Chame. Around 1995 he had to leave because of medical reasons and was unable to return. Now, after almost 20 years, he believes the Lord is calling him back to Panama, for a period of time. Pray for Jim as he works out all the details for moving back to Panama. Please pray for his funds, health, housing and especially for wisdom from the Lord. Jim is already fluent in the Spanish language so he will fit right in.

Thank-you so much for all your prayers and giving for the work in Panama.Please continue to pray for the believers in Atalaya, Toncri and San Soledad, that they would stand firm in the Faith.

Yours in His Service Clive, Hazel, and Judith

  Furlough Address:
6 Woodford Close,
Armagh City,
Co. Armagh,
Northern Ireland,
BT60 2DZ


Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: T+E55057S W6T5D8h9h-g1O3V3T8ck
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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