A Word from the Walkers     Summer 2013

Dear friends and prayer partners,

Clive pontificating

In June we invited a number of Bible teachers for a week of teaching.

We were expecting between 8-10 men to arrive, but because of the bad weather, only three were able to make it.

We still had a good week together and the men learned a lot that they can take back to their own churches.

Once every three months a number of churches in the Tole area come together for fellowship and a meal.

They invited Clive to speak at the last gathering and there were over 150 people present.

They came from all over the mountains - many walking for hours to attend.

House of Jon and Shanelle

We asked you to pray for a house for Jon & Shanelle.

After a few disappointments they found one they liked and were accepted by the bank for a mortgage.

They moved in on the 15th June.

Thank you for bringing them before the Throne of Grace!

Judith finished well in her first year of college.

She was unable to get work for the summer so she went to Canada to help Shanelle with the house move and look after the boys.

Next school year her practical will be in a nursery looking after babies and very young children, so she is looking forward to that!

She continues to look to the Lord for direction in her life for her next step after this next school year.

On the 2 May the fellowship had Baptismal service when four young people were baptised. We all went to the waterfalls at San Francisco, which is about 30 minutes drive from Atalaya.

It was a great time spent together as we had the Lord’s Supper, spoke on the significance of baptism and then the four were baptised.

Afterwards there was a chicken and rice dinner for everyone.

Many people were at the river to swim, but also listened to the service and watched the baptisms.

Pray that they have been challenged by this public declaration of faith and will be encouraged to consider spiritual matters.

On Wednesday nights we are studying “the Local Church” and on Saturdays the men meet together and are presently studying the doctrine of Eternal Security.


In August we will be going to Northern Ireland for a couple of months.

If you would be interested in hearing a report of the work or a visit during September please get in touch with us at 028i3751i8483.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for the ministry in Panama among the Latin and indigenous people.

Yours in His Service
Clive, Hazel & Judith

Furlough Address:   ( August & September 2013 )
6 Woodford Close,
Armagh City,
Co. Armagh,
Northern Ireland,
BT60 2DZ


Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: o+I5w0i73 i6z5k8A9y-I1x3i328p8
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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