A Word from the Walkers     Summer 2011

Dear Friends,

Greeting from Panama - where rainy season has started and we are enjoying a much cooler climate! We trust that you are well and daily experience the Lord's grace and His enabling.

with Mariano, Median, and their two children, Marianis (9) & Kevin (8) A New Bible Study
A few weeks ago we began studying with Mariano, Median, and their two children, Marianis (9) & Kevin (8).

They only live 6 miles from the village of Atalaya but the road is mud and there is no running water or electricity to their wee tin house.

We go twice a week for the Bible study and the whole family is really interested.

Please pray that they would soon understand the way of salvation.

The other Bible studies with Cesar & Rosa and Georgina are also continuing.

A New Bus (for us)
This week we purchased a mini bus for the work in La Mina de Atalaya.

The first time we took it out of the yard the gear cable broke!!!!    It is fixed now and going well.

Please pray that the bus will bring glory to God as we shuttle people to and from the meetings. It is wonderful to be able to take everyone in one trip instead of doing two or three trips, each way, in our car!

The bus is a 1990 Mitsubishi L300 and can carry up to 15 passengers.

Thanks to everyone who helped purchase the bus!

New bus
Levi Joel Ducommun A New Grandson
Levi Joel Ducommun was born on 16th May 2011. Mum and baby are doing fine and big brother Elliot, as you can see loves his little brother.

We hope to visit them in August. Jon is still working away at Chapman's Ice Cream factory and will be taking a week's holiday leave while we are there.

We are so much looking forward to seeing them all and having some real quality time with them.

Elliot was just 3 months old when we last saw them.

Each week we continue to take Ramona to the hospital to have her foot cleaned and dressed. Praise the Lord that it is healing well and she is now able to walk around with just a walking stick.

Also, we continue to have people staying with us when they have hospital / doctor appointments in the Santiago area. It is a great opportunity to encourage and disciple when people are actually living with you!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers. We appreciate your part in our lives!

Yours In His Service
Clive, Hazel & Judith

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: S+D5I0n7G K66578T9R-w16323n8AX
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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