A Word from the Walkers    Spring 2016
"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High." Psalm 92:1
Dear Friends,

Greetings from hot, sunny Panama. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support of our ministry here in Atalaya. We appreciate very much your dedication and faithfulness in prayer on our behalf and your sacrificial giving for the Lord’s work!
Distributing calendars etc. In December we received a shipment of 60,000 Gospel calendars and tracts in Spanish and over the past few months we have been busy getting them delivered to some churches all over the country and door to door in eight villages and towns in the province of Veraguas. During the five day pilgrimage to the village of Atalaya to pay homage to the statue "Jesus of Nazareth" over 8,000 calendars and other literature was distributed.
On 25th December we got word that our dear friend, Ramona, had passed away during the night. She was Oliver’s grandmother and the one who had opened her home for us to have Bible studies in that area over six years ago. From that Bible study the church in Atalaya was formed. Please pray for the family; her husband passed away three months earlier.
This year we were able to send three of our young people to youth camp. They came home excited about what they had learned during the week. Thank you to those who gave toward this project.

Over the Easter weekend we showed the film “The War Room” and a number of the people we have Bible studies with came to see it.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to speak to them about their need of salvation as we press on with studies in their homes.
Youth camp
Proposed Atalaya fellowship house Please continue to pray for the folks in the Atalaya fellowship.

We are very excited that in April we were able to purchase a piece of property with a small house on it! The plans are to renovate the house into a place where the Atalaya church can meet. Needed are Sunday School rooms, a kitchen, bathrooms and a meeting room where the believers would meet each week.
On June 15th Judith and Stephen Bates will be getting married, Lord Willing. Pray for them as they make plans for their big day and that God would be glorified.

We will be in Northern Ireland June to August; if you are interested in hearing a report on the work in Panama give us a call on 028 3751 8483.
Stephen and Judith
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for the ministry in Panama among the Latin and Buglere People.

Yours, in His Service,

Clive & Hazel Walker

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: O+X5G0h7r B6O5K8L9F-j163J3683J
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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