A Word from the Walkers    Spring 2009

Dear Friends,

Greetings from hot, sunny Panama. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support of our ministry. We appreciate very much your dedication and faithfulness in prayer on our behalf!

Tract & Calendar distribution:  On Mon 29th December we received a phone call that 10,000 scripture calendars, Bible Pictures, assorted tracts and booklets, sent from Northern Ireland, had arrived in Panama City and we had to go get them out of customs.  We left Santiago the next morning at 4am and arrived in Panama City at 9am.  We spent that day sorting out the shipping costs and doing the paperwork for customs and then went the next morning to pick them up 31st December.  We had arranged with the driver of a vegetable truck to pick the
Packing calendars to send interior
Packing calendars to send interior
boxes up and take them back to Santiago for us - but when we called him he had done his run a day early and was already back home.

We did a number of runs in our car and got everything out of customs and moved to a friend’s house.  That night we drove back to Santiago with as many boxes as we could pack in the car, and were on the road when the year turned to 2009.

We packed a lot of the calendars in plastic bags for sending to the churches interior and delivered others to churches that we could reach by car.  We kept 2,000 calendars for ourselves, which have been given out door to door in four villages.  The response has been great and we trust it will be a good opener as we go back to the same villages with tracts and an invitation for a Bible study.

Family:  In January Hazel went to Northern Ireland for an appointment with an EN&T Consultant for a cyst in her throat. She spent three days in hospital and had the cyst removed. Thankfully all the results came back clear. Clive & Judith were glad to have her home again after seven weeks! Classes at school started again for Judith in March. This year her Math teacher doesn't speak any English, so that will be a challenge. Please pray that Judith's testimony in the class will speak to the teachers and students.

Bible Studies:  The Classes for teaching the Chronological Bible Lessons continue each week in three different churches; as well as the Sunday meeting in Soná. Please pray that those attending will have the desire to reach out and continue to teach others. 

In May Clive will be starting a men’s meeting every other Friday night in Santiago and these studies will be on “leadership in the local church”.  Please pray that strong elders will be raised up from this group as this is what is lacking in most of the churches in Panama.
Santiago Study group
Santiago study group

Hospitality:  More and more of the tribal people are finding out exactly where our house is so we always have someone dropping by for a chat, to stay the night, or need help with medical problems.  We always enjoy hearing about how things are going in the tribe.  At Easter the church in Toncri hosted the conference for the Buglere believers and everyone had a good time of fellowship over the three days.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for the ministry in Panama among the Latin and Buglere People.

Yours, in His Service
Clive, Hazel & Judith

Field Address:
Clive & Hazel Walker
Apartado 268
Republic of Panama

Phone: W+x5R087v z6I5f8U9g-X1U3I3b8XN
Gifts for the work in Panama may be sent to:
In the United Kingdom
Echoes International
124 Wells Road
In the United States of America
Christain Missions in Many Lands
P.O. BOX 13
NJ 07762-0013
With a note saying "For the ministry of Clive & Hazel Walker, Panama."

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