Our Ministry in Pictures
God's Provision of Gospel Literature
Arriving home with boxes of Calendars and Tracts
Arriving home with boxes of Calendars and Tracts
Lots of boxes of Calendars and Tracts
Lots of boxes of Calendars and Tracts
Stamping tracts to give out door to door in the towns
Stamping tracts to give out door to door in the towns
Delivering calendars in the mountains
Delivering calendars in the mountains
Reading the Scriptures on the calendar
Reading the Scriptures on the calendar
Delivering Calendars and Christian literature door to door in 7 towns
Delivering Calendars and Christian literature door to door in 7 towns
Panamanian missionary, Hector Morales and his wife, receiving literature for their ministry
Panamanian missionary, Hector Morales and his wife, receiving literature for their ministry

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